9 JAN AMA Summary
Monkey Kingdom revealed some of the arrangements for bridging to Ethereum:
Q: Why are we moving Gen 1 & Gen 2 to Ethereum?
A: Right now, our NFT series spans two chains, some holders, especially new members of the community, might find it confusing. We want to make the user experience simple and easy to understand, preferably having all our collections in the same ecosystem. At the same time, there will be more collaboration opportunities on ETH. For example, we’ve previously given out Yogapetz whitelists, and 50 whitelist spots of the much anticipated Memeland’s Captainz mint.
We believe that moving to ETH will provide a more cohesive experience for our holders in the long run, as our other two major projects, including MonkeyBids and Kingdomverse, will be on Ethereum/EVM.
Q: When will the move happen?
A: Starting from February 27, 2023.
Q: How will my SOL monkey be moved to ETH? What should I do?
A: Holders will have to use the migration machine (name TBA) on our website to bridge their monkeys to Ethereum. During the process, you’ll be able to select the monkeys in your wallet. The Solana NFTs you selected will be burnt and the corresponding monkeys will be minted on Ethereum. Holders have complete control over whether to send their monkeys to Ethereum.
Q: Will the NFT royalties change after the migration?
A: The royalties will be significantly reduced from 15% to 6.9%. Our ETH contract will follow Opensea’s on-chain royalty standard to reinforce creator’s fees on chain.
Q: Are there any differences between ETH’s NFT and SOL’s NFT?
A: Our Solana NFTs are immutable. The new ETH NFTs are mutable, meaning the metadata and image of the NFT can be changed. You’ll be able to customize your monkey with $PEACH in the future.
Q: What happens if I don’t want to move to Ethereum?
A: We cannot (and will not) burn your NFT. You have the choice to keep the Solana NFTs, but you might not be able to enjoy future utilities and community benefits as we continue to build on Ethereum.
Q: Can my Gen1/2 monkeys continue to stake for $PEACH after bridging to ETH?
A: Current staking is not affected before the migration, but please stay informed of updates on staking Solana NFTs AFTER migration. You’ll still be able to earn and claim $PEACH on our site. After the migration machine is open, you’ll be prompted to re-stake the ETH NFTs. Since the current $PEACH is already an ERC-20 token, bridging is not a concern. PEACH tokenomics will remain unchanged.
Q: Are there more utilities for $PEACH?
A: We’ll introduce more utilities of $PEACH after the migration, including NFT trait customization and to earn extra rewards. Users will also be able to swap $PEACH to $BID, the native token of MonkeyBids in the future (ratio TBA).
Q: Is there any news to look forward to from Gen3?
A: Gen 3 utilities will remain gaming-focused. Soon Gen 3 holders will be able to stake their Gen 3 to earn $KING. Gen 3 will also be incorporated in the games developed by Kingdomverse in the future.
Q: What will happen to breeding?
A: We will be shutting down the breeding machine on 27 Feb 2023. If you have any Gen 1 or Gen 2 monkeys that have not bred yet, please pair them and breed at https://monkeykingdom.io/breeding before 27 Feb. After breeding closes, the last phase of Monkey Legends minting — $PEACH claim — will be open.
Q: When will MonkeyBids go live?
A: We expect to launch on testnet in Q1 2023, where Monkey Kingdom community will be the first to experiment with the platform. We will hold a series of community activities to distribute $TESTBID ($BID tokens on testnet) for the experience. Please remember to participate actively, you might be able to swap the $TESTBIDs into real $BID tokens in the future.
Full version: https://youtu.be/B8eZL7VESMU (English)
中文版本 AMA 重溫
Monkey Kingdom 昨日在 AMA 中透露了部分關於遷鏈的安排和細節:
答:目前我們的 NFT 系列橫跨兩個鏈,部分持有人,特別是新加入的社群成員,會因此感到困惑和無所適從。我們希望讓整件事變得簡單和容易理解,因此希望將所有 NFT 整合在同一個鏈上;同時,我們亦考慮到 ETH 上有更多潛在合作項目 — — 譬如近日的 NFT 大熱項目 Yogapetz 及 Memeland,我們便成功為Monkey Kingdom 社群爭取到多個 memelist 50個白名單名額 — — 整體而言,我們相信遷移到 ETH ,在長遠來說更有利。我們另外兩個主要發展項目,包括MonkeyBids 和 Kingdomverse,都會在以太坊,或者兼容以太坊的生態鍊上;
答: 2 月 27 日。
問:我的 SOL 猴子會如何遷到 ETH?我要做什麼?
答:步驟跟 Breeding (生育三代)的情況差不多,到時候將會有一個 Migration Machine 移民局(暫名),你將需要連結 SOL 及 ETH 錢包,到時候可以選擇你想搬遷的猴子,然後你的 SOL 猴子將會被銷毀,相同的猴子將會於 ETH 鏈上重新鑄造。
問:遷鏈後,NFT 交易版稅會有改變嗎?
答:版稅將會從原本的 15% 大幅減少至 6.9%。我們的 ETH 合約也會會跟從 Opensea 所訂立的鏈上版稅新規則。
問:ETH 的 NFT 和 SOL 的 NFT 有什麼不一樣嗎?
答:遷鏈後的 NFT 屬於「可變化」的 NFT,我們會配合項目發展,設計一連串的社群活動,猴子的模樣將有機會變得千變萬化,更加好玩。
答:如果你不同意,我們無法也不會銷毀你的 NFT,你有絕對自由選擇把猴子留在 SOL 鏈,但你日後將無法再享有包括質押、空投或任何社群福利。
問:搬遷後,我的 Gen1/2 猴子還能繼續質押 $PEACH 嗎?
答:我們會繼續開放質押,並發放 $PEACH,遷鏈後,持有者需重新進行質押。由於目前的 $PEACH 已是 ERC-20 制式,因此不牽涉跨鏈兌換。我們目前沒有計畫改變發放數量。
問:$PEACH 有更多用途嗎?
答:遷鏈後,$PEACH 將會有更多應用場景,包括利用 $PEACH 改變猴子的樣貌。我們也在計劃讓用戶將 $PEACH 兌換成 MonkeyBids 的原生代幣 $BID(敬請期待),增加猴子們在 web3 的互動體驗。
問:Gen3 有什麼值得期待的消息嗎?
答:Gen3 的方向目前仍然是與手遊為主,我們正在籌備上線質押,持有人將能在遊戲中質押 $KING 代幣,而且未來也有機會在遊戲中使用 NFT。
問:目前 Gen1 猴子和 Gen2 猴子能孕育出 Gen3 猴子,這會繼續嗎?
答:我們將在 2 月27 日起關閉配對孕育計畫。如持有尚未生育的 Gen1 和 Gen2 猴子,請把握機會在上述日期前在 https://monkeykingdom.io/breeding 進行配對生育(需持有桃子 NFT)。我們將預留部分 gen3 猴子以 $PEACH 認購。
問:MonkeBids 什麼時候上線?
答:我們預計在 2023 的第一季推出 testnet,Monkey Kingdom 社群可以優先體驗,我們將舉辦一連串社群活動發放 $testbid 供體驗,大家記得踴躍參與,因為這些 $testbid 日後有機會兌換成鏈上代幣 $BID!
足本重溫:https://youtu.be/ZyC2IlmRUIQ (中文)