Monkey Kingdom
6 min readNov 27, 2022



exhales deep breath*

Yo, what’s good my Kingdom. Wukong here. I’m chillin` . I wanna bring yall for a ride down the memory lane since we’re turning One (Man, we young). You in? Let’s start the recap.

To begin at the beginning, Monkey Kingdom was born on the Solana Blockchain on 27th November 2021. As you guys already know, if you haven’t, well. Monkey Kingdom is inspired by the tale Journey To The West, which stars the Monkey King, Wukong.

A total of 2,222 Wukongs (Gen 1) claimed their place at the Kingdom. We’re SOLD OUT in 2 Minutes after launch, that’s fast AF. Then we quickly gained Celebrity following and joining our Kingdom. Just to namedrop a few of them: Steve Aoki, JJ Lin, Edison Chen, Sunny Wang, Ian Chan (Mirror) and many more,

Nicknamed “The BAYC of ASIA”, Monkey Kingdom became the place to be. Shortly after, we introduced Diamond Baepes, the girls of Monkey Kingdom (Gen 2). One, to provide more female representation in the Web 3 World. Two, GIRLS. Thirsty Wukongs can finally find love on the Blockchain.

Plot twist, there is only 2,221 Diamond Baepes compared to 2,222 Wukongs. 1 Wukong will be forever alone. Haha! Question is who would it be? And who’s the menace that decided this route? Guess we’ll eventually find out. *wink*

The new collection of Diamond Baepes quickly garnered attention. Everyone wanted one. Then suddenly. The worst happened. A Hack, a tragedy which caused many to lose their funds. It was NOT a good time for all.

We stepped into the Kingdom and lent a helping hand to all of those that got hacked by this incident, and we compensated a total of $1,300,000+ USD. (My fingers got hurt from typing this many zeros). In all seriousness, we’re COMMITED to Keep Calm and Carry On!

In a flash, we’re moving again. We organized our first ever Metaverse Concert (COVID. LOL) to celebrate Christmas with our Kingdom. Guess who was the headline artist? STEVE AOKI, STEVE FREAKING AOKI. Of course it was mad fire. In-person Concert soon? *wink*

Next, we collaborated with Ambush Design for our very first merch drop, started with a T-Shirt and then The Black Ambush MK Hoodie. Absolutely proud of the end product, especially when you guys told us, “It’s the best & coolest NFT Hoodie that I have”. We know the Vibes.

Mic drop time. 2 Rare Wukongs (Gen 1) was auctioned at Sotheby’s. Yup. SOTHEBY’S. The first Solana project to be auctioned on Sotheby’s. That’s us. We like to be the first of everything.

Then, we launched our $PEACH Token, a reward for our community who stakes their Wukongs and Diamond Baepes. Following this, we built Genesis Club, a space for staking and also auctions for exclusive NFTs, Whitelist Spots and our Merchandises for our community.

It’s time for our entry to the Ethereum Blockchain, introducing Monkey Legends (Gen 3). Monkey Legends are the offsprings of Wukong & Diamond Baepe, Breeding was made possible with Peach (NFT) Airdrop that occurred during Chinese New Year 2022. Monkey Legends are 3D Avatars and Metaverse Ready, marking a new look for Monkey Kingdom. Speaking of always being the first, this was a cross-chain initiative which was revolutionary.

We got all dressed up for our Monkey Legends Auction on Phillips. 3 Legendary Monkey Legends were up and shown to the world. Another Legendary Milestone for us, Kings and Queens of The Kingdom.

One day, Monkey Legends were “locked up”, marking the launch of our first Mobile Tower Defence game with Kingdomverse, called Defend The Kingdom. Community members were rushing to play the game to “release” their Monkey Legends from danger at the same time “protecting” the Kingdom. Everyone fought so well, and the Kingdom is once again a peaceful place. *phew*

It’s been a WILD journey so far. We’ve been building, planning to further advance The Kingdom, Our Kingdom. It’s gonna be FRESH, FULL OF HYPE DRIPS, ALL VIBES.


A new Chapter requires a new Home. WUKONGS & DIAMOND BAEPES. We’re moving to the Ethereum Blockchain! The time to EVOLVE is finally here. We’re about to spice things up on yall. Mutable, New Traits, New Vibes. It’s all in our next big moves.

On Ethereum, we’re going to lower our Royalty from 15% to 5%. We heard ya. We’re making it happen. With this, our Royalties will be used to further bring our new vision to life. We keep BUILDING. Ain’t no other way.

We’re confident with our move to the Ethereum blockchain to create a more cohesive project lineup from everything under Monkey Kingdom, including our GameFi, Dapp & NFT divisions.

We are so excited to announce that Caesar will be part of the Monkey Kingdom management team as an Executive Advisor. LETS, FREAKING, GO.

An OG of Monkey Kingdom, Kakarot_23 also Co-Founder of YogaPetz is now a Monkey Kingdom Advisor. Safe to say that we’re STACKED!

Speaking of BUILDING, MonkeyBids is about ready to be shown to the world in it’s FINAL FORM. MonkeyBids is our very own Web 3 Auction House which will house the HYPE-est, MOST WANTED Digital and Physical Collectibles there. You’re gonna want $BID. Or maybe you already have $BID. HAH.

MonkeyBids for all your Degenerate Auctions, Kingdomverse for all your Gaming Needs, and of course, your brand new Monkey Kingdom. WE OUT HERE.

It’s Monkeys over EVERYTHING.

GET READY. We finna blow this Birthday Cake and head back to WORK. You just sit tight.

Wukong, OUT.


  • 深呼吸*

Hello 各位猴子們!我們一歲生日啦!!(是的我們超年輕)但眾所周知,我們這邊的時間過得比較快,一年可以發生好多事⋯⋯(回歸正題!)你可能初來乍到,也可能是老 OG 了,無論如何,我們想趁現在,帶你快速回顧這一年。

去年11月27日,Monkey Kingdom 在Solana 區塊鏈上誕生了,設計靈感(挺明顯的)來自西遊記的主角孫悟空(不會連這個都不知道卻進來了吧!)。

我們首先推出了 2,222 隻 Wukongs(就是悟空啦),並且在 2 分鐘內賣光了(有你的份嗎)!緊接著,其後不少明星藝人也加入了悟空家族,包括 Steve Aoki,JJ Lin,陳冠希,王陽明和 Ian 等等⋯⋯有人形容我們是「亞洲的無聊猿」。我們開售後,一度盤踞在 Solana NFT 上的交易量榜首。

我們其後又火速推出了第二代「Diamond Baepes」,也就是女版悟空,共計 2,221 隻。推出初衷是為了讓悟空有個伴,也是希望讓女生們能在 Web3 世界中,多一個女性形象的選項。至於為什麼是 2,221 而不是 2,222 個,其實是團隊的一個小彩蛋,想看看最後誰找不到女朋友⋯⋯(誰單身誰負責陪唐僧取經⋯⋯)

「Diamond Baepes」開售的消息迅速獲得關注,人人都希望能拿到手。就在這關節眼上,悲劇發生了:我們社群中很多人的錢包遭到黑客的洗劫。這一點都不好。

過緊急商討後,我們火速做了一個重大決定:我們決定緊急援助及補償所有受影響的成員。經過一番波折,我們最終賠償了超過 130 萬美金。賺錢和凝聚社群,我們毫不猶豫地選擇了後者。

然後在聖誕節,我們舉辦了第一個元宇宙音樂會(疫情早點完吧 *合十*)!我們邀請了殿堂級電音狂人 Steve Aoki 來參與(電音粉必定認識的超級大咖!是的,他也是我們的猴子名人堂的一員)!

其後,我們又宣布與 Ambush Design 合作,先後推出了聯名 T shirt 及連帽衛衣(天氣季節都替你想好了)作為我們首個線下產品。我們以金剛箍為記認,穿上衛衣,在人群中偷偷叛逆!

然後,我們中有兩隻稀有的悟空登上了蘇富比。是的,是蘇富比。你沒看錯。我們成了 Solana 鏈上第一個在蘇富比拍賣的項目。怎麼說呢⋯⋯做第一的感覺挺好的,也沒有刻意為之啦(*淡定喝茶)。

我們不喜歡閒下來(說真的,你有見過猴子閒下來嗎?我們都過度活躍⋯⋯),於是我們推出了 $PEACH 代幣作為回饋社群成員的質押獎勵,鼓勵他們質押他們的 Wukongs 和 Diamond Baepes。緊接著,我們又興建了 Genesis Club,一個酷炫的俱樂部,讓社群可以在這裡用質押獎勵 $ PEACH 買各種東西(像是限定商品、其他有趣 NFT 收藏品,熱門項目白名單等等)。

可是孫悟空不能總留在水簾洞,所以我們決定去以太坊一探究竟,於是我們設計了新系列 Monkey Legend (Gen3)。還記得我們之前推出了女猴好讓悟空脫單嗎?這一代就是他們的孩子(*撒花)。只要擁有男猴和女猴,加一顆農曆新年空投送的桃子,就能生出來一隻在以太坊的猴子。

與前面兩代不同,Monkey Legends 走 3D 風格,以便融入元宇宙和區塊鏈遊戲的發展趨勢。三代猴子,各有特色,但敢玩敢作死的冒險精神是一樣的。

有天,Monkey Legends 的全體千隻猴子都被送進監獄了(我們真敢),在社群一遍「???」下,孫悟空的天敵牛魔王佔據了我們的社交媒體,這也標誌著我們的第一個手機遊戲《Defend The Kingdom》登場了。想越獄的話,你就只能連結遊戲參與戰鬥了(攤手)。手遊的第一次內測試玩,在社群的熱烈響應下結束,牛魔王暫時被打回了它的老巢,Monkey Kingdom 也恢復了吃蕉爬樹的日常。

這就是我們的從 0 歲到 1 歲間發生的事(合上猴子族譜*)。Monkey Kingdom 外面的世界擾擾攘攘,但在這個猴子王國,我們一刻也沒閒下來,我們馬不停蹄(還是⋯⋯猴不停蹄?)地建設,想像,進化,改變。


新章節的第一個關鍵詞,是新家。聽好了,特別是 Wukongs 和 Diamond Baepes(說的就是你們)。是時候搬家去以太坊了,準備好活動筋骨了嗎(*甩肩膀)?可改變性(Mutable),全新的特徵(Traits),煥然一新的定位(音樂起),萬事俱備,只等你上車。未來,我們計畫將版稅百分比從 15% 減至 5%,版稅收益會投放在品牌營運和建設上。

我們深信這些重要改動有利我們推進未來各項大計,包括 GameFi(區塊鏈遊戲),Dapp (區塊鏈應用程式)及 NFT 領域等等。

我們也很高興邀請到 Monkey Kingdom 的 OG 成員 Caesar ,加盟 Monkey Kingdom 管理團隊,作為我們的執行顧問 (Executive Advisor)。LETS, FREAKING, GO.

除了 Caesar,另一名 Monkey Kingdom 的 OG 成員 Kakarot_23(同時也是 NFT 項目 yogapetz 的 Co-founder)也會加入 Monkey Kingdom 成為我們的 Advisor。

最後,MonkeyBids 很快亦會亮相大家眼前!它是我們主理的拍賣平台,上面將上架各樣最潮最渴市的的虛擬及實體收藏品。你們都會想拿到 $BID(也許你們其實已經有了?嘿嘿)

MonkeyBids 負責讓你作死敢買,Kingdomverse 包攬你的遊戲體驗,當然還有代表你桀驁不馴一面,讓不可變成可能的 Monkey Kingdom




Monkey Kingdom
Monkey Kingdom

Written by Monkey Kingdom

New Vibes, New Adventures, Same Kingdom. Because We Dare.

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