2 min readJan 5, 2023
JAN — Newsletter
- 2022 has come to an end, and we’ve prepared a long thread that summarizes the accomplishments of Monkey Kingdom during the year: https://twitter.com/MonkeyKingdom/status/1609216688108769282?s=20&t=gex1o48-X_CiXbwVYcYApA
- To celebrate the arrival of 2023 and to allow our users to experience MonkeyBids’ bidding process, we held a community auction game on 1–3 January. We gave away concert tickets of well-known music producer Alan Walker (with Mirror as the guest performer!). Please look forward to the future development of MonkeyBids;
- We are at the final stage of planning our bridge/migration of Gen 1 & Gen 2 to Ethereum. It has been confirmed that holders will be able to start migrating their Solana NFTs to Ethereum on 27 February, and specific details, such as new staking and the utilities of $PEACH and $BID, will be announced in the coming months, starting with our twitter space AMA on 9 Jan (Click here to join!);
- Later this month, Kingdomverse will have a new wave of challenges open to public participation, so stay tuned!
- The monkeys have recently made a new friend, and it is so cute that it has quickly captured the love of the citizens in the Monkey Kingdom. Who is it…?
- 2022 年已經過去,我們整合了一個總結 Tweet 文帶大家回顧一下 Monkey Kingdom 於2022 年的成績:https://twitter.com/MonkeyKingdom/status/1609216688108769282?s=20&t=gex1o48-X_CiXbwVYcYApA
- 為慶祝 2023 年的到來並讓我們的社群體驗到 MonkeyBids 的拍賣流程,我們在 1 月 1 日 — 3 日於 Discord 舉行了拍賣體驗活動,送出了知名電音歌手 Alan Walker 的香港站演唱會門票(Mirror更是表演嘉賓!),敬請期待 MonkeyBids 的未來發展;
- 我們已經進入第一和第二代NFT 搬遷至以太坊的最後策劃階段,已確定搬遷程式將2月27日開啓,供持有人進行搬遷動作,未來數週將公布具體細節,例如新的質押,PEACH & BID 的賦能等等,而第一個 AMA 將於 1 月 9 日於 Twitter Space 舉行(->傳送門<-);
- 今個月尾 Kingdomverse 將有新一波挑戰賽開放公眾參與,敬請留意!
- Monkey Kingdom 的猴子們最近交了一個新朋友,可愛的牠迅速擄獲了一眾猴子們的喜愛,牠到底是誰呢⋯⋯?