Monkey Kingdom’s Diverse Developments : IP, Blockchain Games & Auction Marketplace
/中文版在下方 To kick off 2023 with a BANG, on the 27th February 2023, Monkey Kingdom’s Wukongs & Diamond Baepes will migrate to the Ethereum blockchain.
As an OG Asian NFT project, we often meet up with our community members in various places like Web 3 Events, Holder’s Meetups and they always ask us, “What the future of Monkey Kingdom looks like?”. So here it goes.
In an earlier AMA, we introduced to the community the two other extensions of Monkey Kingdom, a GameFi Blockchain Gaming platform — Kingdomverse and the Web 3 Auction Marketplace — MonkeyBids which is set to be released soon. Both platforms will be building on Ethereum & EVM.
We wanted to bring a simplified and cohesive experience to all of our holders, which is why migrating to Ethereum is one of our first big steps for 2023. Building in a bear market is tough, but we’re tough people. We accessed, and planned ahead to further strengthen our developments and most importantly, build forward.
When we say cohesive, we mean it. We’re already planning ahead on the synergies between Monkey Kingdom, Kingdomverse & MonkeyBids. Starting with Monkey Legends being a playable character in our Tower Defence Mobile Game, Defend The Kingdom to potentially first dibs on our Web 3 Auction Marketplace.
After the migration to Ethereum, we’ll be bringing the vibes to Monkey Kingdom. Expect the unexpected. Collaborations that you’ll only dream of. It’s all on its way. To all of our Monkey Kingdom holders, we look forward to seeing yall continue to carry the DNA of MK.
You already know, if you don’t know, now you know.
Because we dare. Let’s get it.
Monkey Kingdom 多元發展 IP + 鏈遊 + 拍賣平台
Monkey Kingdom 將於 2 月 27 日遷鏈至 ETH,揭開 2023 年的序幕。
作為亞洲其中一個元老級 NFT 項目,我們經常在各種 Web3 社群聚會上,碰見猴子 holder 問我,Monkey Kingdom 未來有什麼新動向?
我們在稍早的 AMA 中,向社群介紹了與 Monkey Kingdom 平行開展的另外兩個項目:Game-Fi 項目 Kingdomverse,以及正在密鑼緊鼓地建設的拍賣平台 MonkeyBids,兩個平台均建設於以太鏈及EVM上。 為此我們重新將品牌定位、籌劃遷鏈,整合所有社群及資源,熊市不但沒有打擊我們的信心,反而讓我們有機會審時度勢,鞏固了我們走向多元發展的發展方向。
如果覺得多元發展就跟猴子們無關,那就大錯特錯啦!雖然三個項目都是獨立開展,但我們在設計產品上,也兼顧了猴子持有人的福利,因此猴子們不但可以率先試玩,也可以賦能 NFT 獲得獨特待遇,例如將現有的質押結合 MonkeyBids,或者將猴子放進遊戲裡一展身手。
遷鏈後,我們將重新把 Monkey Kingdom 帶進大家眼前,籌劃更多酷炫合作,帶來更多驚喜。如果你也是猴子一員,我們期待見到社群繼續活躍壯大,活蹦亂跳,因為低調可從不是孫悟空的作風!