Monkey Kingdom’s New Strategic Partnership with Flurry Finance

Monkey Kingdom
2 min readFeb 13, 2023



Ordinals. $BTC. Inscription. We’ve been hearing these words float through the past weeks. We’re proud to announce our new partnership with Flurry Finance to develop the first ordinals ecosystem.

Meet Flurry Finance, a DeFi protocol offering cross-chain yield aggregation. With their strong technical capabilities and experience in development of lighting-fast, secure centralized trading exchange platform, we will be co-developing a new minting and marketplace platform on the Bitcoin-native Ordinals Protocol.

Bitcoin NFT space is gaining massive attention, but due to it being in the infancy stage, the process is complicated and unsecure. We plan to make ours Simple, Secure & Fast.

That being said, we’re focusing on 3 Stages:

  1. Launch a verification site for projects to verify which inscriptions belong to their project.
  2. Launch Ordinals Marketplace & Wallet
  3. Launch Ordinals NFT Launchpad

Monkey Kingdom’s GEN 1 is being deployed to their inscriptions as we speak. Holders who migrate their GEN 1 to the Ethereum Blockchain during 27th February — 15th March 2023 can claim their GEN 1 Ordinals NFT with $PEACH.

In the spirit of Monkey Kingdom, we’re very excited with this partnership with Flurry Finance, to be the first Asian Ordinals NFT and contribute what we know best to the world of Ordinals and $BTC with our new Ordinals Ecosystem.

Get your Monkey Kingdom GEN 1:

About Flurry Finance:

Monkey Kingdom 與 Flurry Finance 達成戰略合作夥伴關係

Ordinals 協議、比特幣、 銘文(Inscription)⋯⋯ 在過去的幾周,這些字詞在 NFT 世界沸沸騰騰。 我們高興地在此宣布與 Flurry Finance 建立合作夥伴關係,以開發第一個 Ordinals 生態系統。

Flurry Finance 是一個提供跨鏈收益聚合的 DeFi 協議,憑藉他們強大的技術能力,以及在開發快速安全的中心化交易平台方面的經驗,我們將在比特幣原生的 Ordinals 協議上,共同開發新的鑄造兼交易平台。

比特幣區塊鏈 NFT 近日獲得廣泛關注,但由於尚處於起步階段,過程複雜且具有風險;我們希望讓這個過程變得更簡單安全和便捷。


  1. 建設一個供項目方驗證的網站,以讓公眾驗證哪些 NFT 銘文屬於項目方官方鑄造的項目。
  2. 建設 Ordinals 交易市場和錢包
  3. 建立 Ordingals NFT 孵化平台

在我們撰文之際,Monkey Kingdom 已默默地正將第一代猴子(GEN 1)的銘文部署在比特幣區塊鏈上,持有人只要在 2023 年 2 月 27 日至 3 月 15 日期間,將其 NFT 遷移到以太坊區塊鏈,便可以使用質押代幣 $PEACH ,領取他們的 GEN 1 Ordinals NFT。

Monkey Kingdom 熱愛探索和創新,因此對於與 Flurry Finance 的合作感到興奮,並且期待成為第一個亞洲 Ordinals NFT項目,通過我們新的 Ordinals 生態系統,為 Ordinals 和 $BTC 的世界貢獻我們最了解的東西。

擁有您的 Monkey Kingdom GEN 1:

關於 Flurry Finance:



Monkey Kingdom

New Vibes, New Adventures, Same Kingdom. Because We Dare.